Mental Health Resources
Access CAMH: centralized info, intake, and scheduling of CAMH's services
Help for families from CAMH: CAMH's recovery-focused services to those seeking support
Free and Confidential Online Chat Services
Strong 365: a youth resource hub of wellness warriors with personal experiences
Resources to Recover: a gateway online resource that helps families find resources and support for loved ones with mental health concerns
Caring for People with Psychosis: free online training for caring for those with psychosis
Better Help: affordable, private online counselling
Distress Lines (open 24 hours a day)
Additional Online Chat Services
Toronto Distress Centres: 416 -408-4357 or 408-HELP
Assaulted Women's Helpline: 416 -863-0511; Toll-free: 1 866- 863-0511
Community Crisis Line Scarborough and Rouge Hospital: 416- 495-2891 for 24/7 telephone crisis support.
Durham Crisis and Mental Health Line: 905 -666-0483
Programs for Psychosis